Great China Chinese Restaurant


525 E 25th Ave, Altoona, PA, 16601-4031
  • <p>&nbsp;</p>

Type:Take out

Cuisine:Chinese Food


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  • About Us
About Us
Great China is Altoona’s premier Chinese restaurant located within walking distance of Altoona’s Pennsylvania State University.
At Great China, Tony and his wife Samantha only use the freshest ingredients. We strive to have the best and finest Chinese food in Blair County.
Great China offers dine in, take out, or delivery service with a smile. Our staff strives to accommodate our customers’ needs whether you are coming in to dine with us or having us deliver to your home. We also specialize in serving local business and out of town visitor’s staying at one of Blair counties hotels, we are here to meet your needs.
When you need lunch or dinner in a hurry but don’t want to sacrifice quality Great China is here to meet this need with an affordable, fast, fresh, customer friendly dining or delivery experience.
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